Utica, NY 2016 ~ Healing Field® 2016

November 5-13, 2016
Memorial Parkway, Utica, NY 13501

Heros logo
This coming November an awe-inspiring formation of the Stars and Stripes will return to the grassy lawns running along Utica’s Memorial Parkway as the Good News Foundation of Central New York again hosts their second annual Healing Field® display.  Posted in perfect rows, 3 by 5 foot U.S. flags will fly in tribute to our families, which are strengthened by the programs of the Good News Center of Utica.  This scene of red, white and blue flags flying against the blue sky will present a memorable panorama that will again draw the community together.

Flags may be sponsored to honor individual heroes and families.  Proceeds from the flag sponsorships will benefit the programs of the Good News Foundation.  For more information about the Good News Foundation of Central New York, please visit their website at the link: www.thegoodnewscenter.org.

Support Your Local Field, Sponsor it, Own it.
Take it home and continue the tribute!

  Online flag sales have been discontinued.  Thank you for your support!

PLEASE NOTE: All sponsored flags will be shipped directly to host committee. Disregard standardized message on receipt, “order shipped” Flags available for pickup or direct shipping after the event.

Benefiting Charities:
The Good News Foundation of Central New York, Inc.
Hosted By:
The Good News Foundation of Central New York, Inc.
Local Organizing Committee:
Project Chair: Melissa Kehler
Co-Chair: Judy Hauck
Treasurer/Fundraiser Chair: Michelle Holliday
Program Chair: Judy Hauck
PR Chair: Melissa Kehler
Field Coordinator Chair: Ricardo Rosero
Volunteer Chair: Melissa Kehler

Thanks to Our Sponsors!

Colonial Flag Foundation