About Us


A veteran dealing with emotional issues rooted in war finds help. A mother fleeing physical abuse with her children obtains safe shelter. A child rescued from sex trafficking receives rehabilitation support. A service club provides scholarships for local students. A veteran’s home accepts donated bedding and food supplies for their residents. An elementary school student plays on newly installed safe playground equipment.

Colonial Flag Foundation helps organizations as they help charities help individuals.  During almost two decades, the Foundation has helped our events raise and contribute millions of dollars.

Our Team

The Colonial Flag Foundation support team is here to assist you. We offer our resources, experience and ongoing support and love in your efforts to make your event a success.

Our Team

The Colonial Flag Foundation support team is here to assist you. We offer our resources, experience and ongoing support and love in your efforts to make your event a success.

DeVaughn Simper

Program Advisor | Vexillologist

Sawn Swenson

National Outreach Director

Board Of Trustees

Paul Swenson


Creator and founder of Colonial Flag Foundation programs does not begin to describe Paul Swenson…

A successful business owner, who with his wife Elizabeth provides employment for dozens of employees at Colonial Flag Company, Paul has volunteered countless hours as a Reserve Ambassador providing employer support for the Reserves and National Guard. Paul is a true visionary who brings energy to countless projects.

Joseph Kerry



Finding one area of accomplishment to describe Joe Kerry is like finding the…

most brilliant facet on a perfectly cut diamond. Move the stone slightly and another facet flashes. Business leader, entrepreneur, nonprofit organizer, public speaker, radio host and attorney describe a few of his numerous areas of expertise and contributions. Joe Kerry serves not only on the CFF Executive Board but on other corporate and nonprofit boards.

Brent F. Ashworth



Brent has earned an outstanding reputation as highly successful attorney, but along the way he…

has amassed a staggering collection of books, documents, photographs, artifacts and historical ephemera. Not one to hide his candle under a bushel, Brent has shared his collection generously with Colonial Flag Foundation staging an amazing display at the Sandy City Hall in 2014. Brent has also volunteered extensively in numerous historical and service organizations.

Valerie Kelly



Val may not have started in the proverbial mail room at Colonial Flag Company, but she has…

seen her responsibilities expanded greatly during twenty-four years with the company. During those years, Colonial Flag Company has grown dramatically, and Valerie Kelly has grown with it to become the flag company’s President. As the main supplier of flag kits and other products, CFF relies on a good relationship with CFC, which Val continually assures. Colonial Flag Foundation programs could not exist without Colonial Flag Company’s strong support.

Elizabeth Swenson



Not only a co-owner with her husband of Colonial Flag Company, Liz’s expertise as the…

main buyer of CFC has been a major contribution to the business’s growth and success, which allows CFC’s strong support of the CFF programs. She knows vendors and suppliers and how to obtain the best prices to make large postings of U.S. flags economically feasible for local committees all over the nation. Additionally, Paul Swenson could have never established Colonial Flag Foundation without the shared vision and support provided by his wife and partner.

Ron Fox


Boiling down his activities, he knows how to find what is needed and get the job done. An author and historian, Ron Fox is an expert in locating historical photographs and artifacts.


Boiling down his activities, he knows how to find what is needed and get the job done. An author and historian, Ron Fox is an expert in locating historical photographs and artifacts. In his many assignments and quests, he has become acquainted with movers, shakers and VIPs all around the country. He brings skills and contacts to the Colonial Flag Foundation board that have added luster to numerous events.

Senator Jake Garn



Business executive, Navy and Air Force Pilot, City Council Member and U.S. Senator would appear…

to be an impressive enough resume for anyone. Nonetheless, Jake Garn added astronaut to his amazing list of accomplishments. As a leader in every area where he has served, Jake Garn has been a stalwart advocate in his support of Colonial Flag Foundation programs, where he has served as a trustee. Limited in his current activities, his many contributions to Colonial Flag Foundation have been invaluable, and the Foundation is honored to grant Senator Garn emeritus

Advisory Board

Mr. Steven P. Klingler

Education Services LLC

Mr. Victor Belendez

District Governor
Rotary International - Mexico


Mr. Don Wright

National Past President
National Exchange Club


Mr. Chris Johnson

Legal Council
Thorup North & Western


Mr. John Hartvigsen

Vexillologist - Historian