Questa, NM ~ 20th Annual Healing Field of Honor® 2024

Questa NM, State Road 522 2348 Off State Road 522, Questa, NM, United States

During the days leading up to Memorial Day, Taos County’s 20th Annual Veterans Healing Field of Honor® display will display flags on the pasture land of the Claudio Rael family in Questa as the town honors Active-Duty Military, Fallen Servicemen and Women, Veterans and Vietnam Veterans especially those who died defending our nation and our way of life.

Questa, NM ~ 19th Annual Healing Field of Honor® 2023

Questa NM, State Road 522 2348 Off State Road 522, Questa, NM, United States

During the days leading up to Memorial Day, Taos County’s 19th Annual Veterans Healing Field of Honor® display will display flags on the pasture land of the Claudio Rael family in Questa as the town honors Active-Duty Military, Fallen Servicemen and Women, Veterans and Vietnam Veterans especially those who died defending our nation and our way of life.