Communities choose the Field of Honor® designation for their Colonial Flag Foundation event as this may allow a wider range of themes. While both living and dead can be honored by both Healing Field® and Field of Honor® flag display events, the Field of Honor® designation may fit more comfortably for events that focus on a wide range of living honorees.
Nevertheless, Field of Honor® displays are not limited to honoring the living. Any of the ideas listed for Healing Field® displays may also have application for a Field of Honor® event. The question of which designation to use relates to what a local host committee feels is most appropriate.
While providing a inspiring event for the community, a Field of Honor® flag display event is a proven fundraising platform pays for itself while successfully raising money for local charities.
Use of Colonial Flag Foundation's protected property for any commercial purpose whatsoever, without express written permission is not authorized. Fields of Flags by any name for fundraising purposes are patent protected. Unauthorized distribution, duplication, alteration or other use, including without limitation any trademark, image, drawing, text, likeness or photograph may constitute a violation of the laws of copyright and trademark and may be prosecuted under criminal and/or civil law.
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