The Programs of the Colonial Flag Foundation are protected under US Patent.
Along with the flag kits CFF has developed systems, methods, procedures, and additional products of a proprietary nature, for the safe, efficient and respectful promotion and presentation of a Healing Field® or Field of Honor® (or by any other name) flag display event.
Organizations must be licensed with the Colonial Flag Foundation to use the programs or likeness of its programs including but not limited to its Trademarked names, Healing Field® and/or Field of Honor®.
Use of Colonial Flag Foundation's protected property for any commercial purpose whatsoever, without express written permission is not authorized. Fields of Flags by any name for fundraising purposes are patent protected. Unauthorized distribution, duplication, alteration or other use, including without limitation any trademark, image, drawing, text, likeness or photograph may constitute a violation of the laws of copyright and trademark and may be prosecuted under criminal and/or civil law.
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